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11 signs that you are hopelessly addicted to lipstick

And proud of it.

1. While clearing out your bag on any given day, you have discovered 5+ lipsticks

BOfKRDCCIAAUncl Source: Twitter/@Lonz82

And you forgot you even owned about three of them.

2. You have experienced ‘the line’

Y’know, the one that appears on your chin after you eat a burger/sandwich.

#lipstickburger #dennys #outwiththegirls #party #yeg #yegfullmoonbeachparty #bodypaint #nailstomatch #nails #lipstick #burger #lipstickmarks Source: Instagram/morgannad

You knew you were going to eat messy food, but did that stop you reapplying? NO!

3. You regularly come out of Boots looking diseased

Swatch everything. Let no lipstick be left behind.

4. And you may leave the house with wet hair/wearing a stained top, but your lipstick is always PERFECT


Maisie Williams knows.

5. Because it just makes you feel more ‘yourself’

Instagram photo by @badgalriri * Apr 11, 2015 at 5:35pm UTC Source: Instagram/badgalriri

Your outfit can go wrong, your hair might be doing a ‘thing’, but if your lipstick is good? Sorted.

6. You have grilled strangers on their lip colours

tumblr_mymlydr9D41sgmt4po1_500 Source: Tumblr


7. And spent a considerable amount of money on single tubes of lipstick

❤️❤️❤️ #matterevolution #bondgirl Source: Instagram/levuthuthao

And if people are willing to sit down and listen for about five minutes, you can explain exactly why it’s worth it.

8. You can apply it in the dark, without a mirror, in a moving car

giphy Source: Giphy

Can we put that skill on our CV?

9. Anyone you kiss automatically braces themselves for lipstick marks

That's what you get for being a bloody cutie Source: Instagram/stefanie_papa

Look. We’re sorry.

10. Lipstick chat is the best kind of chat

Finishes, formulas, shade names, brands… We’ll happily chat it up for hours.

11. You’ve counted the number of lipsticks in your collection, and it’s a secret you may take to the grave

Just did a big lippie cleanout! Threw a bunch away, gave a couple away. This is what I have left. There's room for more now ... Source: Instagram/frankly.lipstick

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